Buildling Homes For The Homeless
Hebert Hardwick House for the Chronically Homeless: We are currently seeking a facility to provide single room housing for the chronically homeless. In the 1980’s hundreds of mental health organizations were closed down and many individuals were farmed out to community mental health agencies.
The chronically homeless as defined by HUD is a homeless person that is an unaccompanied disabled individual who has been continuously homeless for over one year. We recognize that many of these people are not open to traditional housing. The Hardwick House will offer a clean single room to these individuals with consistent monitoring and case management to address their issues of addiction and mental health.
The Uplift Affordable Housing Program: Opus Dei’s housing program will work in obtaining single family and noncommercial multifamily homes to offer to families and individuals that normally have a hard time purchasing homes. This program will also assist in developing friendlier sources of funding and education to individuals on responsible budgeting.
Our organization recognizes the disease concept when it comes to addiction and is a proponent of the need for formal treatment working in conjunction with recovery support to address an individual’s ongoing need. We believe that every person is an individual and that different approaches work for different people.
The current idea of recovery management is an important part of an individual maintaining their sobriety. We are believers in the self-help programs that sprang out of the Alcoholics Anonymous philosophy and believe in working with those programs. Opus Dei looks forward to providing Recovery Coaching and Spiritual Support through ATR and expanding our program to assist the homeless individuals we will be providing services.
We will establish continued funding for our proposed Recovery Coaching and Spiritual Support programs through our fundraising efforts, sponsorship support, aggressive investment, participant donation/involvement and grants obtained.